Written Work #1

Answer the following questions in not less than 5 sentences. Observe proper grammar and expression. Be guided by the rubrics.

1. Who am I as a person?

I am still knowing myself but as far I know, I am socially anxious. I fear judgement especially from the people I do not know personally. I act according to the behavior of those around me so that I will be almost certain that they will like me. Hence, no judgement. To do so, I reciprocate the manner and energy that someone uses towards me, that’s why I cannot declare that I am a funny or a quiet person. Nonetheless, I do my best to covert the negativity that one can throw at me into something positive. I know that being unkind and ill-mannered will get me nowhere near the people I want to be with without suffering dirty looks.

2. How do I react when someone backbites me or talks something bad about me?

I react depending on the situation, but I always try to understand first the reason why someone would do such a thing. If I cannot figure things out, I will ask my friends about their opinion on the matter. Their perspective might be different from mine and it can help me see things clearly. If none of the said solutions turned out well, I will approach the offender nicely. Communication will always be the key to fathom any misunderstandings that can happen between people. 

3. What are my weaknesses and/or vulnerabilities? 

I am heavily reliant on other people’s opinions. I try my best to prevent negative comments get to me because if I did not, it will be very difficult for me to be happy and contented. I can also be easily discouraged if I am not certain of the future. If I do get discouraged, I tend to lessen the effort than I can do. Furthermore, I overthink about things from as small as why does my friend reply late, to big things like where will I end up in my mid-20s. Gladly, whenever I experience these stuff, I have friends and family to cheer me up, calm me down, and encourage me to do my best again. I will always be weak and vulnerable without my support system. 
